Amelia is running the Great East Run

Created by Amelia Hudson 24th September 2017 This event has closed


I am running the half marathon in September in aid of the St Elizabeth Hospice. Last March I embarked on a weight loss journey and through it I have not only lost weight but have found a love for exercise and fitness. I have met some amazing people who have encouraged me and have become firm friends. I would never have imagined I would be doing this but what better cause to run for than the hospice that cared for my Father in his last weeks four years ago. x


Thank you xx

25th September 2017
Happy to say I ran the whole 13 miles in 2 hours 26. Thank you all so so much for raising an incredible amount of money for this charity and also for all your support. I am so grateful and proud to have achieved this. Much love to you all, Amelia xxx